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Story+ General Terms
& Conditions of Business

Story+ General Terms & Conditions of Business:


Story+ and Leeds+ are trading names of Story+ Limited (“us”, “we”, “our”), registered in England & Wales at Yorkshire House, Greek Street, Leeds, LS1 5SH with Company Number 13237009. All Proposals or Quotes are valid for 30 days only unless specified, and are subject to both these Story+ General Terms & Conditions of Business (the “General Terms”) and any Project Specific Terms & Conditions (the “Specific Terms”). We reserve the right to modify the General Terms from time to time, with any updates published to our website at Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting to the website. Any Specific Terms will be supplied to you separately, typically alongside a Quote, Proposal, Summary Document and/or electronic communication (all of which can be collectively or individually referred to as “Project Information Documents”). Both the General Terms and Specific Terms shall be governed by English Law. These terms of business pertain only to the provision of Deliverables or Projects (as defined below) for Story+ and Leeds+ clients and partners, and sit separately to our Website and Online Platform Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy - all of which can be viewed at


All costs outlined are subject to VAT which will be added to any final invoice/s. Any discounts outlined may not be available if individual Deliverables are purchased separately, not executed in the Project Timeframe specified, or required to be changed or altered in any way.


Supply of Deliverables:


“Deliverables” typically take the form of creative, video, digital or social media products and services provided by us - but vary by Project and are defined within Project Information Documents and their accompanying Specific Terms. “Story+ Deliverables” are taken to mean any and all such Deliverables that are NOT published to the Leeds+ editorial platforms on social media. “Advertorial Deliverables”, “Leeds+ Advertorial” or “Leeds+ Advertorial Deliverables” are taken to mean any Deliverables created by us and published on your behalf to the Leeds+ editorial platforms (under the handle @LeedsPlusSocial) across social media. A “Project” contains one or more Deliverables, sometimes executed over a longer period, and is defined within any Project Information Documents and their accompanying Specific Terms. 


A “Project Timeframe” will usually be agreed before work begins on any Project or Deliverable, and will be outlined in the Specific Terms if so. Where a specific Project Timeframe is not outlined, all Deliverables will be provided within 35 calendar days of any final shoot day on the Project or within 35 calendar days of the final Project invoice being issued by Story+, whichever is later. All Deliverables are subject to an “Amends Process” (unless otherwise specified) in which the Client (“you”, “your”) will be given access to Draft version/s of the content for sign-off before publication or final delivery. You are not permitted to download, publish or otherwise use this Draft for any purpose at any time, other than for reviewing as part of the Amends Process. You are welcome to suggest reasonable changes you’d like making to the Deliverables during this process - which we will feed back on and attempt to make if in-line with the project scope (detailed in the Project Information Documents and Specific Terms) and if achievable within the agreed Project Timeframe. The number of rounds of amends will be specified in advance in the Specific Terms. If a number of amends rounds is not specified, all Deliverables will be subject to one round of amends only. To streamline the process and minimise amends rounds, you will assign just one individual to give feedback. Amends rounds beyond the specified amount or outside of the described Amends Process will be priced accordingly by us in addition to the total Fees outlined in the Project Information Documents.


Story+ will supply all Deliverables in a suitable (typically electronic) format and in accordance with the Project Information Documents, these Terms and the project’s Specific Terms. In supplying the Deliverables, we will: use reasonable care and skill; endeavour to supply them as described in the Project Information Documents; comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Story+ is not responsible for confirming your own legal and regulatory responsibilities or your compliance with any such responsibilities. Whilst Story+ can’t guarantee specific audience “reach” through our creative, video or social media Deliverables (no one can!), we work hard to recommend the best options, platforms and strategies to create content with the best chance of success. 


All parties acknowledge that where Deliverables involve elements of filming or other in-person services which are subject to weather, illness or other unplanned disruption, Story+ will take reasonable steps to mitigate such disruption as much as possible provided the Project is still delivered within the Project Timeframe. All parties will specify details of any additional contingency measures when planning the production of any relevant Deliverables. 


Intellectual Property:


Story+ and/or our licensors will retain all intellectual property rights linked to all project Deliverables. Intellectual property in any Deliverable will only be licensed or transferred to you if specified in the Specific Terms and following the full payment of all Fees pertaining to the project (as detailed below and in the Project Information Documents). You are not permitted to use the Deliverables in any way aside from the uses, if any, specifically licensed or transferred to you within the Specific Terms.


You hereby licence Story+ Limited to use any materials or other brand assets provided by you as required for the provision of the Deliverables or for the purpose of demonstrating our entitlement to use such materials or brand assets.


Fees and Payment:


Unless otherwise stated in the Specific Terms, Story+ Limited will submit an invoice for 100% of the “Fees” (the total amount outlined in a Quote or any Project Information Documents) on or around the first ‘production day’ on the project. This is typically the first shoot day. You will pay any and all invoices due within 30 days of their date of issue. If cleared funds are not received within this timeframe, we are entitled to add a debt collection fee and/or interest to your account in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, and cease or revoke the provision of any relevant Deliverables until such Fees are paid in full.


Limitation of Liability:


Nothing in these terms shall limit or exclude Story+ Limited’s liability for: death or personal injury caused by its negligence or the negligence of its personnel or subcontractors; fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. Subject to the above, Story+ shall not be liable to the Client, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), for breach of statutory duty or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with the Project, any Project Information Documents, any Deliverables and/or the General Terms or Specific Terms for: loss of profits; loss of sales or business; loss of agreements or contracts; loss of anticipated savings; loss of use or corruption of software, data or information; loss of or damage to goodwill; fines or penalties; and any indirect or consequential loss. Subject to this paragraph, Story+ Limited’s total liability to the client, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with the Project, any Project Information Documents, any Deliverables and/or the General Terms or Specific Terms shall be limited to 50% of the Fees paid by the Client as outlined in the Project Information Documents.




Except with the prior written consent of the other party, neither party shall - for a period of 12 months from the date of any final Project Information Documents being issued - directly or indirectly solicit, attempt to solicit or entice away from the employment of the other party, any employee of that other party who is employed or engaged in services under the Project or Project Information Documents in any way. This provision will not apply to any publicly available job applications to junior (non-managerial) positions only.


Project-Specific Terms & Conditions:


Projects and Deliverables are also subject to Specific Terms which will be made available to you within the Project Information Documents (such as in a Quote or Summary Document) and should be read in conjunction with these General Terms. If you don’t receive Specific Terms for your Project, please contact us. 

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